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Health Care

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Panama’s health care quality and level of service is very high. Hospital Punta Pacifica is working with Johns Hopkins Hospital in the USA. Two other excellent hospitals are Clinica San Fernando, and Hospital Nacional. Panama is a frequented destination for those seeking services that they might not be able to afford in North American hospitals. You can fill a cavity for $20 by a well trained dentist and only pay $10 for a visit to a local family doctor. In Panama you can still make a call and a doctor will visit your home or hotel room for a very low fee. Private health insurance is available and much less expensive than in the US. Individual plans start from less than $100 per month while a family can get full coverage from about $200 a month. For those over 60, there are several international insurance policies that are affordable and provide full coverage. There are also live-in, American trained nurses or elder care visiting nurses available at a very low cost.